Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday, July 13

            Rice, beans and potatoes are major building blocks in world food consumption because they are relatively easy to grow, healthy and inexpensive.  One or more of them can provide the foundation for any meal.  Add other natural and direct sources of body fuel like vegetables, fruits and nuts, which need no additives, preservatives or processing and one has an easy to prepare meal.
          I wonder if the above is a recipe for a more sustainable(green) way to globally eat, especially if we do our own cooking?
          I remember first seeing in college someone eat rice at breakfast.  I went by to pick-up a fellow student teacher at the University of Michigan, School of Education, because I had a car I could borrow from my roommate and take us to our assignments at Huron High school in Ann Arbor.  When I walked into his kitchen he was finishing the rice from a bowl and about to put it in the dishwasher.  I made a joke about, "hey out of Captain Crunch" and he said to me very seriously, "if it's good enough for billions of Chinese, it's good enough for me."

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