Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wednesday, July 20

Brooksley Born (former head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission who warned about the dangers of derivatives as early as the mid-1990s) and Sheila Bair (former chairwoman of the FDIC who recommended Bear Stearns be allowed to fail) were both labeled as “difficult” and “not team players”.  To date, the FDIC is the only federal agency to bring suit against bank directors for the derivative/mortgage scandal that precipitated the 2008 economic crash.

Thursday, July 21

            Physicist, Garrett Lisi believes he has come up with a mathematical formula that once proven will explain everything - that is, the elusive Theory of Everything (or how nature works) merging and explaining both cosmology and quantum mechanics where Einstein and Bohrs could not.
            Lisi uses a multi-dimensional model of the 228 particles known to man and combines the 246 symmetries that go with it.  Once 18 more particles are discovered the model and therefore the theory will be complete - proven.  (Not to be confused with the 118 currently known chemical elements.)

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