Monday, September 12, 2011

Saturday, September 10
            Today is the Michigan versus Notre Dame game played at night for the first night football game ever played at Michigan.  114,000 fans are expected.  I always think of my friend from work Chris who passed of pancreatic cancer a few years ago.  He called me from the game one year excited that he was going to see it at “the Big House” and was walking right towards it about to go inside and find his seat.  He was a big Notre Dame fan and had always watched the game in South Bend.  He brought me back a program and Michigan key chain from the game.
Sunday, September 11
            The 10th anniversary.  We attend church service and put out our flags.  I buy popcorn from a Boy Scout who came to the door right after I finished watching coverage of the opening of the memorial at ground zero to the surviving family and friends.  Our minister spoke of Matthew 5:44, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.  And Matthew 5:48, be perfect therefore as your heavenly father is perfect.
Monday, September 12
            Our Italian dinner with our neighbors this weekend at a favorite neighborhood restaurant included a discussion that they still own their vinyl records and a turntable.  They said they recently ordered a new needle for it and would have us over to listen to some music “old school style” once it arrived.

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