Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Alternative Journal, Continued

Wednesday, March 23
Hidden Information - I have had hidden information on my mind lately. 
Those that study information theory, at schools like the School of Information at the University of California, Berkley divide information into two categories.  There is the nature of information, the binary digits of it like 1s and 0s, sometimes called “bits”.  Then there is the content or quality of the information, the war simulation computer or video game, e-mail to a friend, blogs, Google search, pictures on Facebook, all the new Apps available, Twitter messages, etc. 
  Commentators have said there is too much information or we are inundated with information or we are becoming lost in information.
      But there is still a lot of information we do not have access to.  I do not mean secrets, which Wiki leaks have shown can be exposed more easily than ever.  I mean the information we have not discovered.   Information stored in our memories which we cannot yet retrieve or knowledge yet acquired, which science and research and technology may eventually uncover.  Then there is all that we do not know we do not know.  Then there is the information we simply have not heard or read about but does now exist.
               I suggest there is more information we do not have than do have.  I also doubt we understand the information we do have.  I worry we are not using the miracle of information to its greatest good.

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