Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday, March 25

               Life will eventually lead us face to face with our core insecurities and hang-ups.  Those fears and apprehensions we have kept at bay and dodged for years. 

At this point others can help us finally confront them.  It is hard to do alone since, well, our insecurities, hang-ups, fears and apprehensions are us, at least a part of us, old familiar “friends”.

               Then with others’ input one must navigate the mine field of, “am I changing just to make them happy or to appease them?”  Or is the change or changes truly the right thing to do that aligns our beliefs with our actions.

               So following one’s heart is trickier than just making the decision to finally follow one’s heart.  Because then comes, well where does it want to go and how do I take it there?

               Ultimately, it is about getting out of one’s comfort zone and doing it for the right reason.  Just move confidently trusting in the ultimate results.  Mistakes will occur.  Train off those mistakes, getting better and better at being your true self.

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