Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Monday, April 11

The Plano City Council meets every other Monday at 7 p.m. in the Municipal Center.  Attending is a good way to watch grass roots politics in action and get a civics reminder that it is up to us as to the government we get.  The meeting starts with an invocation, tonight by a local Methodist minister, then the pledge of allegiance which some may not have recited since grade school.  Next the many volunteers who help Plano get things done while staying under budget are recognized followed by a 25 years of service award for the Police Chief.  This is followed by citizen concerns which are given five minutes each with the council secretary giving the “one minute left” warning.  The issues range from a special use permit for a local tavern to complaints about city/HUD contractors used in a federally funded home rehabilitation program.  Then the council votes on the one agenda item which is to pay $75,000 for the removal of certain railroad ties along an intersection.  There is one abstention due to conflict of interest but the vote passes 7 to 0.  The mayor then adjourns the council which besides the mayor is made up of the City Manager, City Attorney and five councilmen/women.

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