Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday, April 21
               What is the proper competitive nature?  One can compete against oneself, more and more push-ups.  One can then look around and see how many push-ups someone else is doing.  Can I do more than them?  One can compete against a standard.  Can I do more than the norm of people my age and weight?  Push-ups are pretty neutral and do not negatively affect others in terms of how you approach getting better.  What about completion in the areas of money, power or sex?  How far will one go beyond preparations that do not affect others like one’s education and training or looks?  I think it is good to want to be better(not intrinsically but at something) than someone else.  It is a great way to keep improving oneself, grow, stretch and see what limit if any you have.  As long as it is done ethically, in my opinion.  But you have to be prepared and accept losing to those willing to stoop to more Machiavellian tactics.  However, it provides the satisfaction of knowing that accomplishments are the result of doing your best and nothing more.

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