Monday, May 2, 2011

Saturday, April 30
          I reflect on yesterday’s attendance at an alumni function at SMU School of Law in which we were given a tour of the modest renovations to the four buildings that make up the law quad, including a visit to the rare book room in the law library.  Then it was onto a reception with good food and refreshments.  I saw former classmates and professors and remembered the past, compared it to the present and considered how it will all lead to the future.
                                        Sunday, May 1
          Watched highlights of the Beatification of former Pope John Paul II from Rome.  It reminded me of Friday’s Royal Wedding, another European city celebrating its ancient rituals and beliefs with elaborate ceremony and reverence.  Later in the evening President Obama announced the killing and capture of the body of Osama bin Laden by United States military forces after a nearly ten year search.

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