Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday, May 25
          Run in place or jog for 30 minutes, plus push-ups, sit-ups and squat thrusts is my normal Wednesday exercise routine.  This completes the sharing of my weekly exercise cycle which I follow throughout the year.  Each new year I then change it up a bit.
Today is a mild, sunny day so I run a little longer plus take my Schwinn 10-speed for a spin.  (Dad bought me this bike when I was about 12, just before he passed.  We went into the Schwinn shop and he surprised me by saying, “pick out the one you want”.  My first bike was a cool, blue Schwinn Stingray with banana seat and high handle bars, but I was ready to graduate up like my friends.  I told Dad that the 10-speeds cost $100 or more.  He did not waiver.  I knew Dad was working three jobs at the time, including Saturdays.  It still has the original City of Dearborn Heights bicycle license.  The only thing I have had to do to it over the years is get new tires and grease it.  When I take it into shops for this, it gets quite a few “ooze and ahs” and the young repair guys get a kick out of lifting it.  “Boy, this is a tank,” has been my favorite comment.  Riding it always reminds me of younger days…and Dad).
It’s getting close to summer so I will add more tennis, swimming and trips to the batting cage for my exercise.  I think one always feels a little younger in the summer as the brain sub-consciously harks back to those summers off from school and just hanging out with friends.

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