Monday, August 8, 2011

Sunday, August 7

I heard one of the best attempts at explaining why there is suffering while attending the First United Methodist Church service today with my son in Waxahachie.
Rev. Joseph Nader of the University of Texas at Arlington campus ministry shared his views using Psalm 22 and connecting Genesis’s giving in to temptation and making that famous free will choice to the promise in Revelations that eventually there will once again be no more tears.
In the interim we should take on the suffering of others so as to help and support each other. 
My son and I had a good discussion afterwards about - if God knows everything in advance, did he know Adam and Eve would eat the apple and if he did what the implications of that might be.

Monday, August 8

Shared with my daughter my view that Plochman’s is the best mustard.  It has been made near Chicago since 1852.  It can be a little hard to find.  I get it at Kroger.  A parent should pass along key information.

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