Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sunday, February 5

Mom shared that her unique name is from her father’s sister, Desolina.

Monday, February 6

A turning point in my father’s life, as recounted by Mom, was when he failed his exam for the priesthood and his father refused to send him back to retry.  Some of his friends who failed were allowed by their fathers to go back and retry as it was not uncommon to retake the exam.

Tuesday, February 7

The Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry (AAPP) was established in 1989 to promote cross-disciplinary research, educational initiatives, and graduate training programs in philosophy and psychiatry. Philosophical methods bring to psychiatry a kind of analysis and critique that are invaluable in their clarity of thought, meaning, and application to practice. But over the years, we also have found that, in addition to having its own philosophical problems, psychiatry also informs philosophical theorizing itself, and that the field of "philosophy and psychiatry" is developing into its own interdisciplinary field.

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