Monday, October 10, 2011

Saturday, October 8

Prepared a meatless and no dairy dinner for our Vegan friends this evening.  I used my wok to stir fry in olive oil and soy: broccoli; sweet pea pods; red, orange and yellow peppers; asparagus; water chestnuts; bamboo shoots; and tofu.  Plus, I made brown rice and a field green salad with tomatoes, red onion, oranges and kiwi.  For dessert we had caramel apples, candy corn and dark chocolate M & Ms.  They do not drink so I served a choice of pomegranate juice, coconut juice, Pellegrino sparkling water and/or non-caffeine mango tea.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the meal.  I felt healthier, though still a bit hungry afterwards.  But I enjoyed cooking this way and being creative with two of the five main food groups not available.

Sunday, October 9

I am enjoying my “life-group” that my friend John and I lead in 7th grade youth Sunday school.  It is all boys, as the kids are separated by sex and you do not have your own kids in your group.  So my daughter and John’s son are in other groups.  The group size is 12 when everyone attends.  The class starts with video music then live music, an activity, followed by the day’s lesson.  Next we break into our groups to further discuss the lesson of the day.  The pattern we have developed is John taking the lead then if the boys are not very talkative or into it, I chime in to fill and pad the silence.  We usually end up having a lot of laughs and good time with the guys.  John mercilessly teases them and I positively reinforce.  Good cop, bad cop.

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