Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday, October 19

George Clooney is making Robert Redford movies which is good because they were great.  I noticed it with Clooney’s Oscar nominated Michael Clayton which had a nice Three Days of the Condor feel and even starred Condor’s  director Sydney Pollack.  In Clayton, Clooney is a lawyer seeing the underside of corporate culture leading to murder.  In Condor, Redford is a CIA analyst seeing espionage paranoia leading to murder.  Now comes Clooney’s The Ides of March in which he is a candidate in this hard look at the moral compromises in politics/campaigning much like Redford’s senatorial candidate in The Candidate.  I propose that Clooney’s recent The American, about an assassin loner was in many ways like Redford’s loner skier character competing for Olympic gold in Downhill Racer.  I think it would be fun to watch all six films some weekend.

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