Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday, October 16

After church service or Sunday school we go up to the Prayer Tower which is a room overlooking the church garden and fountain and we say intercessory prayers for those written prayer requests submitted to the church ministers for the week.  We spend an hour and have been doing so for 17 years.  An intercessory prayer is when you pray for another person and are asking God to intercede in their life in the area of their concern or challenge whether it be health, family, employment, etc.  My wife and I now take the kids too, and it is at least one quiet, reflective hour during the busy and hectic week.  Especially, serene is the time when the sun comes through the stained glass and the carillon bells peal a hymn just above us.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.  Romans 8:26-27.

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