Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday, October 11

Picked up at the library Kay Ryan’s, The Best of It, a collection of her poems over the years.  She is a former United States Poet Laureate and recent winner of a MacArthur Genius Grant.  I recently purchased two books by another winner of this year’s MacArthur Genius Grants, Rutgers history professor Jacob Soll’s books on how The Prince by Machiavelli came to be published and a history of information collection in King Louis XIV’s court.
Listened to a podcast of Radiolab produced by another Genius award winner, Jad Abumrad.
Listened on the New York Times book page to new Nobel Prize winner in literature, Tomas Transtromer of Sweden (yep that’s his name) read some of his poetry.
It is all very inspiring and daunting at the same time.  But I keep working on my own writing/creating writing like my yoga, each small, slow, move training the muscles to eventually and as if suddenly, stretch to new limits.

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