Sunday, January 15, 2012

Friday, January 13

A colleague at my new employer shares with me that her neighbor who used to work with me at American Airlines said to her about me, “you got a gem.”

Saturday, January 14

Rick Steves’ Saturday radio travel program featured a story on traveling to Belize or Guatemala to experience the celebrations tied to the Mayan calendar completing an approximately 5000 year cycle this year.  Mayan culture teaches that with every new cycle comes new ways of looking and doing things that build on the past to make a better future.  The year 2012 was only referenced once by one ancient Mayan scholar and so the exact date of the new cycle may be in question.  Mayan academics find no evidence of the date being associated with apocalyptic events as recent popular culture has been hyping for December 21, 2012.

Sunday, January 15

Enjoyed a Christmas gift from friends, an Argentine cabernet from the Mendoza region, Fabre Montmayou, a 2010 IWSC Trophy winner.

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