Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday, January 16

In Daniel Kahneman’s, Thinking, Fast and Slow, 2002 Nobel Prize winner in economics and Professor of Psychology at Princeton describes what our mind does to us when we think about our life.
He first describes how our minds are two different systems.  One that operates fast, using intuition and emotion.  The other that operates slower uses deliberation and logic.  For all of us the trick is managing these two systems.
In addition, our memories and how we recall them color our daily reactions whether we are aware of it or not.
All leads to the realization that my current happiness is driven by what I am aware of and focused on.  It may not reflect the actual state I am in.  To compound this is the possibility that what I think I am aware of may be in fact based on assumptions and not actuality.  So, if you think you are happy, you are happy, whether you should be or not.

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