Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tuesday, January 10

A chance to see the boiler rooms of the campus where all the buildings receive their heat supply from, as I look into a near accident that could have occurred.

Wednesday, January 11

I receive a new Stephen Minister assignment.  It’s a ministry at our Methodist church where you are partnered with someone who needs someone to talk and pray with due to some challenge(s) they are currently facing.

Thursday, January 12

Attended the Martin Luther King, Jr. award presentation at my employer’s for the medical student who contributed most to the community this past year.  It was an inspiring event with a speech by a former medical student who is now the Vice President and Chief Medical Office for Texas Blue Cross Blue Shield.
We were reminded of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s quote about how one’s vocation is one thing but we should all share the profession of finding a way each day to help one’s fellow man.

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